Doug Faulkner 

Induction Year: 2020
Graduation Year: 1972

Doug Faulkner graduated from Maroa-Forsyth High School in 1972 and was a member of the basketball team, track team, band, and theater. After graduation, Doug went on to Danville Junior College, the University of Illinois, Johns Hopkins University , and the University of Singapore, an opportunity awarded through a Rotary International Scholarship. He played intercollegiate basketball for all of those schools, except Johns Hopkins. After twenty years as a federal civil servant, including at the CIA and an advisor to Secretaries of Energy, Doug went on to serve President George W. Bush in senior positions on energy and agriculture. An advocate for sustainability, Doug runs a global clean technology consulting business with an emphasis on the USA and the Nordic countries. The Governor of Virginia appointed him to the Commonwealth’s Offshore Wind Development Authority and the U.S. Secretaries of Energy and Agriculture appointed him as the co-chair of the national Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee. Doug and his wife Polly reside in Arlington, Virginia, where his Midwestern values of dedication, service, principles, and faith continue to guide his life. Their son, Eddy, lives in Los Angeles, California.

Thank you to the Maroa-Forsyth Foundation, M Club, and Stone Thrown Forward for your continued support!
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