2022-23 Boys Track & Field

Max Brady 12 Thrower
Harrison Guo 12 Sprinter/Jumper
Jalen King 12 Thrower
Laron McCloud 12 Sprinter/Jumper
Brock Richards 12 Distance
Aiden Riser 12 Sprinter/Thrower
Antonio Cobb 11 Sprints/Jumps
LeBryant Flagg 11 Sprints
Andre Harden 11 Sprints
Jaylen Kascir 11 Sprinter/Thrower
Brady Larson 11 Hurdler/Jumper
Braxton Mitchell 11 Sprints/Jumper
Christian Morgan 11 Thrower
Reece Peters 11 Distance
Ryan Robinson 11 Sprints
Jarren Amettis 10 Thrower
Greyson Applebee 10 Distance
Connell Doolin 10 Sprinter
Kooper Mann 10 Thrower
Ryne Norton 10 Distance/Jumper
Chris Renfro 10 Distance
David Stukins 10 Thrower
Isaiah Bohlmann 9 Jumper
Dathan Lidy 9 Thrower
Kendryk Morris 9 Sprinter
Deangelo Owen 9 Hurdler
Zach Smith 9 Sprinter
Ryne Sheppard 9 Sprinter/Jumper
Declan Stewart 9 Distance
Dre Walker 9 Sprinter

Thank you to the Maroa-Forsyth Foundation, M Club, and Stone Thrown Forward for your continued support!
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